The film begins showing the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium filled with an audience, being hosted by Govindarajan Ramaswamy (Kamal Haasan) with prominent personalities including Prime Minister of India, Dr.Manmohan Singh, the President of the United States George Bush (Kamal Haasan) and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidhi seated on the stage, following the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. Govind explains the idea of the chaos theory and its effects on the world.Govind begins by reciting events from Chidambaram in the 12th century Chola empire of South India. Kulothunga Chola II, (Napolean) the King of the empire is a Saivite, believing in the Hindu deity, Shiva. The King wants to get rid of all temples of the deity Vishnu, followed by the Vaishnavites and intends to take a large idol of Vishnu from a temple intent on disposing it in the Bay of Bengal. However, Rangaraja Nambi (Kamal Haasan), a Vaishnavite, tries to stop the King from disposing his deity. Uncovering Nambi's plans to stop the idol's disposal, the King tells him to renounce his belief or be destroyed along with his idol. Nambi refuses to bow to any other god, despite pleas from his wife, Kothai Radha, (Asin Thottumkal) and is subsequently tied to the huge idol and both are thrown in the Bay of Bengal.
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