Sunday, June 15, 2008

Newyork To Chennai

The scene switches to the week preceding the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, beginning on 20 December 2004. Govindarajan Ramaswamy, commonly known as Govind, is a biotechnologist working at a lab in California, USA. He works in an organization which had invented a deadly virus which has the potential to be the greatest bio-weapon ever made by man, with the actual matter being kept well protected. However during an announcement with George Bush, Govind's lab monkey breaches the security protecting the bio-weapon and swallows it, killing it and producing a devastating effect. Following this discovery, Govind wants to destroy it, with the only possible remedy being the mixing of the weapon with sodium chloride. But his boss, Dr. Sethu (Rajesh Toleti) at the organization has a different idea and attempts to sell it to terrorist organizations. Upon the discovery of this, Govind makes off with the vial containing the virus and flees to his friend, Suresh's (Sanjay) home. Suresh betrays Govind and informs the boss that Govind is at his house.Suddenly Christian Fletcher (Kamal Haasan), who is an ex-CIA officer, also appears in the scene wanting the vial for his own nefarious purposes. At Suresh's house, Govind manages to escape without harm but Suresh and his Japanese wife, Yuka (Ann), are murdered by Fletcher. The escaping Govind, finds himself in a car with with another friend, Sairam, in whose belongings, the vial gets mixed up accidentally, sending the vial by mistake to Chidambaram in India. Unable to stop the flight, Govind finally manages to escape from the USA by sneaking aboard a cargo flight. Receiving intelligence on this issue, Fletcher decides to fly to India to recover the vial. Prior to leaving, he finds himself a translator in the Las Vegas pole dancer, Jasmine (Mallika Sherawat); also getting married to her before leaving. In Japan, Shingen Narahashi (Kamal Haasan), a Japanese martial arts expert and brother of Yuka, thinks it was Govind who killed his sister and comes to India, seeking revenge.

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