Monday, August 18, 2008

What Can Be Done In Future

The broken wires we find on the roads are the result of cable wars that surface every now and then. How will the Corporation dust these webs off? The power cables were never so ugly.
There are groups and groups of newly recruited uniformed ladies seen in busy roads standing in shades and having group discussions. Sure, that is not part of their training or duty. Why cant they be given training and duties to inject civic sense into Chennites? Only by punishing and punishing, fining and re-fining and refining and thereafter policing we will be able to get results. But the determination is what is required now.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rework Needs To Be Done

That is not all. These beautification measures are like painting our house without dusting and removing the cob webs accumulated over the years. In Chennai Corporation these webs are knit by cable wires very awkwardly hanging everywhere. Often one can see the broken wires on the road and we get frightened to cross it for fear if it is a power cable. Only later we realize that the power cables have now gone underground, giving room for the video cables to rise. In fact there is much more power in them. Most of them are politically energized. the broken wires are found loosely on the roads .

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Success Saga

A graffiti reads 'success is getting up one more time than you fall down'. Yeah!!!!! its true with reference to a ten month old trying its first step in walking, later proceeding to a long successful journey in future. BILL GATES,LAKSHMI MITTAL,AMBANI'S with an entourage of rich and famous people,whose life revolves in a smooth orbit as luck favours success. ABDULKALAM,BARACK OBAMA, RAJINIKANTH , luck has balanced success in a 50 -50 ratio (ie) hardwork bequeaths sucess.Success without luck is painful,horrible,ugly and all negative adjectives are add ons eg: KALPANA CHAWLA, KAMALA HASAN (OSCAR DREAM), RAJIV GANDHI.So success and luck are synonyms ,aren't they??????

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Real Time Example

Specific example is the ones in front of Parsen Complex near Anna Flyover on which footpath many blind children walk up and down their school nearby.Why the Corporation was in such a hurry to remove them in a hotchpotch fashion? But looking at the various other activities like black topping the roads, digging up the newly laid roads, building the medians every year etc. we know that the Corporation is always in such a hurry where the work has to be done relaxed and to perfection. Why? But issues like cleaning the waterways, clearing the footpaths etc. etc. are still on the lips or on the paper.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Naked Chennai

Looks ‘naked’ now! Naked because, after having worn the rich costumes and jewelry and all the attires that a beautiful person requires and can possibly wear and think of (let’s forget the gender here because the requirements of a lady or a gent were all available in plenty in this context) being handy and in the air for so long, when they are removed. What I am talking about are the large, larger and largest advertisement hoardings that Chennai had till the last week of April 2008 in every possible nook and corner. I just wonder what was the sudden provocation for the authorities to work overtime and get them removed in such a hurry. As far as my knowledge goes, welding machines and cutters are avoided during night. But the metallic structures were removed working overtime during the night. The removals of these have caused lot of inconvenience to the road users and have damaged many a trees (take the case of ex-drive in Woodlands). Is it the Corporation who is going to encash the large amount scrap that is generated in this process? The way they are removed and transported gives much room to suspect it. In the hurry in which it is removed, the stubs of the metal poles that were erected stick out precariously, having cut it few inches above the ground level.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What Can The Corporation Do??

All the cattle have not moved out of city. There are well experienced ones still roaming around, some of them are let loose only in the night, which tactfully overturns the dustbins to suit their convenience and to choose their pick.
That is not all. These beautification measures are like painting our house without dusting and removing the cob webs accumulated over the years. In Chennai Corporation these webs are knit by cable wires very awkwardly hanging everywhere. Often one can see the broken wires on the road and we get frightened to cross it for fear if it is a power cable. Only later we realize that the power cables have now gone underground, giving room for the video cables to rise. In fact there is much more power in them. Most of them are politically energized. The broken wires we find on the roads are the result of cable wars that surface every now and then. How will the Corporation dust these webs off? The power cables were never so ugly

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Much More Needs To Be Done

Much more needs to be done. The garbage issue is a major issue. Our habit is unchanged. People just push the rubbish out of their gates or throw over the wall. Very few people take the pains to dump their wastes into the collection bins. Here again, in congested areas, the number of bins are far, far insufficient. There should be a mechanism to keep it in one place so that the public will not push and pull it to suit their convenience. How to avoid the rag pickers time and again spreading the rubbish that goes in, back on to the streets ? Is it the way to create employment for them and for those who clear them? Chennai Corporation and the foreign company who is assigned the task of garbage removal should put their heads together for making a better living in the city.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Sufference Of The Political Parties

The party writing and postures on private walls and public places much to the loss and displeasure of house owners, are politicians right or might? If so, where it is mentioned? Walls are reserved much before an election by writing party names either as bold as they can write or with dirty paint, and even charcoal, thus spoiling the wall for long.
Why pasting postures every where cannot be banned? It is easy to trace the culprit and punish because the details are already in the postures. Why the authorities do not think of this? This will also go a long way if the intention is to beautify Chennai.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Perspective

As far as my understanding goes, these posters have specified life around the election time and they are supposed to be cleared. But it is an irony that those who won and those who lost are still there with their grin and joined palms. Let it be so; the winner’s hands might be greasy already!! Months after the elections it is high for the winners to spread their palms and with the newly acquired power start grabbing – responsibilities. These public servants expect the public to be their servants to remove these posters and clear the spoiled walls. who is affected????????????????????

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is Chennai Beautiful Now???

Is Chennai looking beautiful now? I cannot firmly say yes. The choice of looking the beautiful faces, clothes, jewelry, footwear etc.Have gone now and what is left is to look at the fearful faces of politicians from all sorts of postures every where. Some in power, some yearning for power. Once in power, they become omni present and occupy all places, walls, pillars, roads, buildings – nothing is spared. Are they above law? Are they beautifying the city this way? All the hoardings are removed for getting all the attention on them? let us have a better look at it in the upcoming post.

Friday, July 18, 2008

How We Gained Limelight

It was a usual day until afternoon in college. A few minutes before lunch, a sudden howling noise was heard in the class. The staff in class was shobana mam. She was annoyed and asked us to come forward to tell as to who did it. Bur as you all would expect it to be, none of us came forward. Then, an asshole LaxmiNarasimhan came forward to cover up his mistake telling that people who were sitting on my side did it.... Thanks to Dum Thatha, a man about whom i will later on speak loads about, came out and told that it was LaxmiNarasimhan who did it and not people from my side. But she never paid heed to his words. She trusted a studious liar rather than a truthful backbencher. This issue was later taken up to the princi, a funny lady about whom also i will be mentionin in future. This was how we gained recognition, though be it for wrong reasons and the days to come were simply irresistable.....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Dark Knight Movie Review

I saw it on Friday night and it was long but worth seeing in the theater. I like the fact that is more of an action movie than a "comic-ized" type movie. There are a few pretty cheezy parts, but its hard to make an action movie that doesn't anymore. The Joker was definitely portrayed as really creepy and the actor did a good job. I wish they would have had more/better gadgets and technology for Batman though, felt a little lacking in that department compared to the previous movie. Overall though, I can only say it was a good movie and worth seeing if you liked Batman Begins (just don't go in hoping it will satisfy all your comic book fantasies).

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Going Down The Memory Lane

let us all rewind back four years in time while going through this piece. It was sem1 and my first year in college. I was very much elated. i was initially put into the toppers class but for my want to be with my friends, i requested the teachers and i came into b section. Now, my bench mates were all crazy guys, all as crazy as i am. my bench mates were broken, vichu, and ramf. There are numerous funny, hilarious and memorable incidents which when i recollect, send down a drop of tear as i miss them all.. in the forthcoming posts i will be putting forward all these moments.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Creation Phase of WIngs Of Fire

Section 'Creation' traverses seven chapters, from chapters four to chapter ten; and covers Kalam's life and work for 17 years, from the year [1963] until [1980]. It begins with his recollection of works at the Langley Research Center, NASA, in Houston, Virginia,U.S., and at other facilities in the USA, including the Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island in East Coast of the United States, Virginia. At a NASA facility, he remembers to have seen a painting, prominently displayed in the lobby. The painting depicted a battle scene with [rocket]flying in the background. On closer examination, he found that the painting depicted Tipu Sultan’s army fighting the British. Kalam felt happy to see an Indian glorified in NASA as a hero of rocketry warfare.
His association with Thumba and Satellite Launch Vehicle and related projects are vividly presented in the section 'Creation'. During the period covered under 'Creation', Kalam, in the year 1976, lost his father who lived up to 102 years of age. Kalam took the bereavement with courage and remembered these words written on the death of William Butler Yeats by his friend Auden, and felt as if they were written for his father:
Earth receive an honoured guest;William Yeats is laid to rest:In the prison of his daysTeach the free man how to praise.
The period covered in the section 'Creation' also brought Kalam national recognition. A pleasant surprise came in the form of conferment of Padma Bhushan on the Republic Day,1981.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Global Positioning System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The GPS uses a constellation of between 24 and 32 Medium Earth Orbit satellites that transmit precise microwave signals, that enable GPS receivers to determine their location, speed, direction, and time. GPS was developed by the United States Department of Defense. Its official name is NAVSTAR-GPS. Although NAVSTAR-GPS is not an acronym, a few backronyms have been created for it. The GPS satellite constellation is managed by the United States Air Force 50th Space Wing.

Similar satellite navigation systems include the Russian GLONASS (incomplete as of 2008), the upcoming European Galileo positioning system, the proposed COMPASS navigation system of China, and IRNSS of India.

Following the shooting down of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983, President Ronald Reagan issued a directive making the system available free for civilian use as a common good.Since then, GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for map-making, land surveying, commerce, scientific uses, and hobbies such as geocaching. GPS also provides a precise time reference used in many applications including scientific study of earthquakes, and synchronization of telecommunications networks.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Approaches Nanotechnology

Two main approaches are used in nanotechnology. In the "bottom-up" approach, materials and devices are built from molecular components which assemble themselves chemically by principles of molecular recognition. In the "top-down" approach, nano-objects are constructed from larger entities without atomic-level control. The impetus for nanotechnology comes from a renewed interest in Interface and Colloid Science, coupled with a new generation of analytical tools such as the atomic force microscope (AFM), and the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Combined with refined processes such as electron beam lithography and molecular beam epitaxy, these instruments allow the deliberate manipulation of nanostructures, and lead to the observation of novel phenomena.Examples of nanotechnology include the manufacture of polymers based on molecular structure and the design of computer chip layouts based on surface science. Despite the promise of nanotechnologies such as quantum dots and nanotubes, real commercial applications have mainly used the advantages of colloidal nanoparticles in bulk form, such as suntan lotion, cosmetics, protective coatings, drug delivery,and stain resistant clothing.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Overview Of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from a number of fields such as applied physics, materials science, interface and colloid science, device physics, supramolecular chemistry (which refers to the area of chemistry that focuses on the noncovalent bonding interactions of molecules), self-replicating machines and robotics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological engineering, and electrical engineering. Grouping of the sciences under the umbrella of "nanotechnology" has been questioned on the basis that there is little actual boundary-crossing between the sciences that operate on the nano-scale. Instrumentation is the only area of technology common to all disciplines; on the contrary, for example, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries do not "talk with each other". Corporations that call their products "nanotechnology" typically market them only to a certain industrial cluster.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tsunami Wave

Almost immediately, the Tsunami strikes. Balram Naidu flees away in his helicopter. Govind, Shingen Narahashi and Andaal take refuge in a small boat while the decaying Fletcher gets washed away. The Mosque which hosts the inhabitants of Kalifullah's village is unstruck and the entire village is saved and they return the good will by helping the police in Tsunami relief. J. Raghavendra's house is struck and Poovaragan saves the children of Raghavendra, but gets himself killed in the fracas. During relief efforts, Krishnaveni believes Poovaragan to be her son and cries out of grief finally, breaking the barriers of her caste. Andaal expresses her love for Govind and at the same time, praises God who, according to her, has saved millions of lives through a Tsunami in place of the vial. Govind questions her theory by asking if a God would kill thousands of lives. As Govind and Andaal set off from the beach, an idol of Vishnu is shown to have brought back to the land by the sea through the Tsunami. It is also indicated that the bullet that struck Avtaar Singh's throat cleared off the cancer and he should be able to get back to singing in a span of six months.The scene changes back to the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai where President Bush is invited to deliver his speech. After speaking, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidhi is invited to speak and credits roll by concluding in the Ulaga Nayagan song, showing the hardships of portraying ten different roles by Kamal Haasan.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chaos Theory

They manage to escape using the sand lorries and on the main road, they collide with a car which contains a Muslim family within it. Govind helps the family out of the house, with the injured also including seven foot giant Kalifullah Mukhtaar (Kamal Haasan), furthermore they simultaneously escape from threats from Fletcher and Balram Naidu. Kalifullah's mother, Megha (K. R. Vijaya) begins to bleed and Govind with Andaal take her to the local hospital. At the hospital Avtaar Singh rests with a tumour in his throat posing potential danger to his vocal cords and thereby, his singing career. He checks into a hospital and the doctor gives him some medicines in a cooler. Govind also gets a cooler, similar to the one of Avtaar Singh, to preserve the idol and hence, the vial. In a lift, the coolers of Govind and Avtaar Singh are mixed up, and Avtaar Singh sets off for his concert. Govind meets Bharath again, with the police officer instructing him to meet Balram Naidu. Govind picks up the cooler which actually contains the medicine and sets off to the police station, thinking that it has the idol inside. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Fletcher arrests Andaal at gun point and takes her to Kalifullah's home. He makes a phone call to Govind to get back along with the idol. Govind retreats from the steps of the police station, only to be spotted by Balram Naidu and Shingen Narahashi. The entire police force follow Govind to Kalifullah's home hoping to arrest Govind and Fletcher. When Govind and Fletcher meet, they are surprised to see that the cooler box does not have the idol in it and Govind guesses that it should be with Avtaar Singh. With assistance from Kalifullah's father, Sheik (Nagesh), they escape to the concert hall. Balram Naidu brings the police and enquirers Kalifullah and the residents of the entire village regarding the escape of Govind. Subsequently he orders everybody to be stationed in a Mosque to hasten the inquiry.

Avtaar Singh finishes his predicted last musical performance, vomiting a lot of blood while singing. At the end of the concert, Govind and Fletcher are waiting for him to exchange the cooler box. Fletcher shoots Avtaar Singh in the throat and after little confusion, Govind and Andaal set off on a bike along with the idol and Fletcher continues to chase them. Govind and Andaal reach a construction site along with the idol. The sun dawns on December 26, 2004. Fletcher holds Andaal at gun point and Govind hands over the idol to Fletcher, only to confess later to Andaal that he had removed the vial from the idol. Balram Naidu reaches the spot in a helicopter and chases Fletcher. Govind and Andaal set off with the vial, with Govind realizing the urging need to preserve it.

Meanwhile, J. Raghavendra (P. Vasu), head of the illegal sand miners tries to cajole Vincent Poovaragan to give up his activities and join his side. Most of Poovaragan's members have deserted him, however Poovaragan remains unchanged. At the same time, President Bush and few others come to know that NaCl could destroy the weapon. Back in Tamil Nadu, Govind notices a couple of drainage cleaners who coat their bare bodies with crystal salt before getting into the drainage holes. He gets an idea and runs toward the sea, only to be stopped again by Fletcher and Govind is no match for Fletcher and Fletcher succeeds in securing the vial. While Govind is hurt badly, Shingen Narahashi comes to his rescue and fights against Fletcher, after he understands Fletecher had killed Yuka. Govind watches Shingen Narahashi break Fletcher's arms and legs. Fletcher helplessly and in frustration, curses India and breaks open the vial and eats it despite pleas from Govind who shouts not to do it and at the same time asks Shingen Narahashi to back away. Balram Naidu, in his helicopter has followed Fletcher all the way through till the beach. As soon the vial is open, he zooms in with his binoculars and the virus starts replicating rapidly in the atmosphere.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Govind Flees Before Fletcher

Upon arrival at Chennai airport, the vial is transfered to another plane and Telugu intelligence officer, Balram Naidu (Kamal Haasan) intervenes and questions Govind, who insists on talking to higher authorities but to no avail. As Naidu walks out of the room briefly, Fletcher invades the building taking Govind and a police officer, Bharath (Akash) hostage. The trio along with Jasmine are stopped at immigration but mange to escape after a Punjabi pop singer, Avtaar Singh (Kamal Haasan), faints and causes a frenzy at the airport. Eventually Akash gets shot and during this, Govind manages to escape from Fletcher and flees to Chidambaram in hope of finding the vial. Subsequently, Fletcher and Jasmine hire a driver, Broadway Kumar (M. S. Baskar) to transport them to Chidambaram as well.

The vial ultimately ends up at the house of a Brahmin family in Chidambaram. The vial, delivered in a parcel by the postman Prabhu (Vayapuri), is taken in by a 95-year-old, mentally retarded woman, Krishnaveni (Kamal Haasan), who lives in belief of receiving a parcel from her son, who perished in 1953. Govind pleads for it to no avail, but eventually changes the mind of Krishnaveni, after explaining the scientific threat to her granddaughter, Andaal (Asin Thottumkal). Krishnaveni responds by putting the vial inside the idol of the deity, Perumal, citing that God would destroy the weapon. Fletcher and Jasmine, eventually arrive in Chidambaram and Jasmine attempts to seduce Prabhu and Naidu's assistant, Ekambaram (Chitti Babu) to reveal Govind's location.

Govind tries to secure the vial before Fletcher and Jasmine reach them. Soon, Fletcher fires his gun near an elephant and it starts rampaging, with Jasmine getting badly hurt in the commotion. Lest she should say something, Fletcher shoots her dead. Govind tries to escape with the idol but Andaal, who worships the idol, tries to stop him. Eventually they both escape and after a long chase, they manage to reach the old Chola Temple, where the King watched the idol of Vishnu being thrown into the ocean in 12th century. Govind remembers that the vial should be kept cool so they bury the idol in cold sand and go in search of ice to maintain the temperature. As they stop to get ice, the pair find out they are being hunted by the police and that they are being portrayed negatively in the press. When they return they find that the quarry sand, where they planted the statue, is being stolen by illegal sand miners. The miners capture the duo as they try to reclaim the idol. Furthermore, their leader (Santhana Bharathi) attempts to rape Andaal when she shouts into darkness for help. Lights flash and Vincent Poovaraagan (Kamal Haasan), a Dalit who was been neglected by the society due to their caste arrive, along with a bunch of TV reporters, comes to question the theft of sand from quarries. Using this opportunity, Govind and Andaal escape with the idol.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Newyork To Chennai

The scene switches to the week preceding the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, beginning on 20 December 2004. Govindarajan Ramaswamy, commonly known as Govind, is a biotechnologist working at a lab in California, USA. He works in an organization which had invented a deadly virus which has the potential to be the greatest bio-weapon ever made by man, with the actual matter being kept well protected. However during an announcement with George Bush, Govind's lab monkey breaches the security protecting the bio-weapon and swallows it, killing it and producing a devastating effect. Following this discovery, Govind wants to destroy it, with the only possible remedy being the mixing of the weapon with sodium chloride. But his boss, Dr. Sethu (Rajesh Toleti) at the organization has a different idea and attempts to sell it to terrorist organizations. Upon the discovery of this, Govind makes off with the vial containing the virus and flees to his friend, Suresh's (Sanjay) home. Suresh betrays Govind and informs the boss that Govind is at his house.Suddenly Christian Fletcher (Kamal Haasan), who is an ex-CIA officer, also appears in the scene wanting the vial for his own nefarious purposes. At Suresh's house, Govind manages to escape without harm but Suresh and his Japanese wife, Yuka (Ann), are murdered by Fletcher. The escaping Govind, finds himself in a car with with another friend, Sairam, in whose belongings, the vial gets mixed up accidentally, sending the vial by mistake to Chidambaram in India. Unable to stop the flight, Govind finally manages to escape from the USA by sneaking aboard a cargo flight. Receiving intelligence on this issue, Fletcher decides to fly to India to recover the vial. Prior to leaving, he finds himself a translator in the Las Vegas pole dancer, Jasmine (Mallika Sherawat); also getting married to her before leaving. In Japan, Shingen Narahashi (Kamal Haasan), a Japanese martial arts expert and brother of Yuka, thinks it was Govind who killed his sister and comes to India, seeking revenge.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Plot

The film begins showing the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium filled with an audience, being hosted by Govindarajan Ramaswamy (Kamal Haasan) with prominent personalities including Prime Minister of India, Dr.Manmohan Singh, the President of the United States George Bush (Kamal Haasan) and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidhi seated on the stage, following the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. Govind explains the idea of the chaos theory and its effects on the world.Govind begins by reciting events from Chidambaram in the 12th century Chola empire of South India. Kulothunga Chola II, (Napolean) the King of the empire is a Saivite, believing in the Hindu deity, Shiva. The King wants to get rid of all temples of the deity Vishnu, followed by the Vaishnavites and intends to take a large idol of Vishnu from a temple intent on disposing it in the Bay of Bengal. However, Rangaraja Nambi (Kamal Haasan), a Vaishnavite, tries to stop the King from disposing his deity. Uncovering Nambi's plans to stop the idol's disposal, the King tells him to renounce his belief or be destroyed along with his idol. Nambi refuses to bow to any other god, despite pleas from his wife, Kothai Radha, (Asin Thottumkal) and is subsequently tied to the huge idol and both are thrown in the Bay of Bengal.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

eragon series

Eragon is the name of the protagonist, he starts his adventure at the Age of 15. Eragon is an orphan living with his uncle and cousin in a small farming village in a remote corner of the kingdom of Alagaësia. This quiet life is shattered when a large blue stone materializes in front of Eragon. He is at first puzzled as to the nature of this stone, but when a baby dragon finally emerges, it occurs to Eragon that it was a dragon egg. But it is just the Begining of the Journey to come...

Eragon is the First book of the Inheritance Trilogy..the Second book "The Eldest" is out, so get your copy now.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Eiffel Tower

Built for the Universal Exhibition in celebration of the French Revolution centenary, the Eiffle Tower hoisting the flag to the top was inaugurated on March 31st 1889.
In spite of big protests and harsh critics of Parisians and French intellectuals during its construction, the metal structure has become today the symbol of Paris, attracting over 6 million visitors each year.Its a puddled iron erected with a crossbar system made of 18.038 pieces and fixed with 2.500.000 rivets. The structure of Gustave Eiffel's masterpiece is very airy and resistent to the wind. Notwithstanding its robust and stout structure it only weighs 7,300 tons.From the ground to the flagpole its height was 312,27 meters in 1889, whereas it is today, 324 meters high with antennae. Different French television companies install their antennae right on top of the tower.

Owned by Paris local government and managed by a French private company "Société Nouvelle d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel", this structure is maintained and renovated every 7 years with 50 tons of paint executed by workers who master acrobatic and climbing sports.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Egyptian Pyramid

The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian pyramids — huge structures built of brick or stone, some of which are among the largest man-made constructions. Some Egyptologists, notably Mark Lehner, state that the Ancient Egyptian word for pyramid was mer.The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest in Egypt and one of the largest in the world. Until Lincoln Cathedral was built in 1300 A.D., it was the tallest building in the world. The base is over 52,600 square meters in area.

It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and the only one of the seven to survive into modern times. The Ancient Egyptians capped the peaks of their pyramids with gold and covered their faces with polished white limestone, though many of the stones used for the purpose have fallen or been removed for other structures.


A pyramid (from Greek πυραμίδoς - pyramidos, genitive of πυραμίς - pyramis) is any three-dimensional polyhedron where the faces other than the base are triangular and converge on one point, called the apex. The base of a pyramid can be any polygon but is typically a square, leading to four non-base faces.

A pyramid is said to be regular if its base is a regular polygon and its upper faces are congruent isosceles triangles.

Cutting off the top of a pyramid, using a plane parallel to the plane of the base, leaves a frustum of a pyramid, sometimes called a flat-topped pyramid, though it no longer satisfies the definition of a pyramid.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Effects Due To Increased Global Warming

Climate modelprojections summarized by the IPCC indicate that average global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the twenty-first century.This range of values results from the use of differing scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions as well as models with differing climate sensitivity. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise are expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if greenhouse gas levels are stabilized. The delay in reaching equilibrium is a result of the large heat capacity of the oceans.
Increasing global temperature is expected to cause sea level to rise, an increase in the intensity of extreme weather events, and significant changes to the amount and pattern of precipitation. Other expected effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.

Remaining scientific uncertainties include the amount of warming expected in the future, and how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but there is ongoing political and public debate worldwide regarding what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse future warming or to adapt to its expected consequences.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Global Warming

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation.

The average global air temperature near the Earth's surface increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 100 years ending in 2005. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gas concentrations" via an enhanced greenhouse effect. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes probably had a small warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950 and a small cooling effect from 1950 onward.

These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science,including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.While individual scientists have voiced disagreement with some findings of the IPCC,the overwhelming majority of scientists working on climate change agree with the IPCC's main conclusions.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dec 7th 1947

In the summer of 1941, after Japanese expansion into French Indochina, the U.S. ceased oil exports to Japan, in part because of new American restrictions on domestic oil consumption. President Franklin D. Roosevelt had earlier moved the Pacific Fleet to Hawaii and ordered a buildup in the Philippines, hoping to deter Japanese aggression in the Far East. The Japanese high command was certain, though mistakenly so, an attack on the United Kingdom's colonies would bring the U.S. into the war, so a preventive strike appeared to be the only way Japan could avoid U.S. interference in the Pacific. While the attack accomplished its intended objective, it was completely unnecessary--unbeknownst to Isoroku Yamamoto, who conceived the original plan, the U.S. Navy had decided to abandon any intention of 'charging' across the Pacific towards the Philippines at the outset of war back in 1935 (in keeping with the evolution of War Plan Orange). They instead adopted "Plan Dog" in 1940, which emphasized keeping the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) out of the eastern Pacific and the shipping lanes to Australia, while the U.S. concentrated on defeating Nazi Germany.

The attack was one of the most important engagements of World War II. Occurring as it did before a formal declaration of war, it pushed U.S. public opinion from isolationism to an acceptance war was unavoidable, as Roosevelt called December 7, 1941 "... a date which will live in infamy."

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Motto Of The Pearl Harbor Attack

The aim of the strike was to protect Imperial Japan's advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies — for their natural resources such as oil and rubber — by neutralizing the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Both the U.S. and Japan had long-standing contingency plans for war in the Pacific, continuously updated as tension between the two countries steadily increased during the 1930s. Japan's expansion into Manchuria and French Indochina were greeted with steadily increasing levels of embargoes and sanctions by the United States and others. In 1940, under the Export Control Act, the U.S. halted shipments of airplanes, parts, machine tools, and aviation gasoline, which Japan saw as an unfriendly act.Nevertheless, the U.S. continued to export oil to Japan, in part because it was understood in Washington cutting off oil exports would be an extreme step, given Japanese dependence on U.S. oil exports, likely to be taken as a provocation by Japan.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pearl Harbor attack

The attack on Pearl Harbor or Hawaii Operation as it was called by the Imperial General Headquarters, was a surprise attack against the United States' naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Japanese navy, on the morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, resulting in the United States becoming involved in World War II. It was intended as a preventive action to remove the U.S. Pacific Fleet as a factor in the war Japan was about to wage against Britain, the Netherlands, and the United States. Two aerial attack waves, totaling 353 aircraft, launched from six Japanese aircraft carriers.

The attack wrecked two U.S. Navy battleships, one minelayer, and two destroyers beyond repair, and destroyed 188 aircraft; personnel losses were 2,388 killed and 1,178 wounded. Damaged warships included three cruisers, a destroyer, and six battleships (one deliberately grounded, later refloated and repaired; two sunk at their berths, later raised, repaired, and eventually restored to Fleet service). Vital fuel storage, shipyard, maintenance, and headquarters facilities were not hit. Japanese losses were minimal, at 29 aircraft and five midget submarines, with 65 servicemen killed or wounded.

Monday, May 19, 2008


As an adolescent, Bruce Lee studied the martial arts style of Wing Chun and was a student of Yip Man in Hong Kong. Later, he learned other arts as well as the sports of western boxing and European fencing. The term Jeet Kune Do occurred in 1965 while Dan Inosanto and Bruce Lee were driving around in his car. The conversation involved European fencing and Lee commented that; "the most efficient means of countering in fencing was the stop-hit....When the opponent attacks, you intercept his move with a thrust or hit of your own...." Lee then said "We should call our method the 'stop-hitting fist style, or the 'intercepting fist style". Dan Inosanto then said; "What would that be in Chinese?" in which Lee replied "That would be Jeet Kune Do".[2]

A television episode of Bruce Lee discussing his Jeet Kune Do appeared in the series Longstreet. The episode was aptly titled "The Way of the Intercepting Fist". The episode was written specifically for Lee by his friend and long-time supporter

Sunday, May 18, 2008

BRUCE LEE's formless fighting style

Jeet Kune Do (JKD) is the name Bruce Lee gave to his combat philosophy in 1967. Originally, when Lee began researching various fighting styles, he gave his martial art his own name of Jun Fan Gung Fu. However not wanting to create another style that would share the limitations that all styles have, he instead gave us the process that created it.

JKD as it survives today—if one wants to view it "refined" as a product, not a process—is what was left at the time of Bruce Lee's death. It is the result of the life-long martial arts development process Lee went through. Bruce Lee stated that his ideals are not an "adding to" of more and more things on top of each other to form a system, but rather, a winnowing out. The metaphor Lee borrowed from Chan Buddhism was of constantly filling a cup with water, and then emptying it, used for describing Lee's philosophy of "casting off what is useless". He also used the sculptor's mentality of beginning with a lump of clay and hacking away at the "unessentials"; the end result was what he considered to be the bare combat essentials, or JKD.

Bruce Lee, and thus JKD, was heavily influenced by European boxing and fencing. Although the backbone concepts (such as centerline, vertical punching, and forward pressure) come from Wing Chun, Lee stopped using the Wing Chun stances in favor of what he considered to be more fluid/flexible fencing and boxing stances. Lee stated that they allowed him to "flow" rather than being stuck in stances. For instance, instead of using footwork to position the body for maximum fighting position vis-a-vis the opponent, JKD uses flowing "entries" that do not require "bridges" from Wing Chun. Bruce Lee wanted to create a martial art that was unbounded and free. Later during the development of Jeet Kune Do, he would expand that notion and include the art for personal development, not just to become a better fighter. To illustrate Lee's views, in a 1971 Black Belt Magazine article, Lee said "Let it be understood once and for all that I have NOT invented a new style, composite or modification. I have in no way set Jeet Kune Do within a distinct form governed by laws that distinguish it from 'this' style or 'that' method. On the contrary, I hope to free my comrades from bondage to styles, patterns and doctrines." He took a lot of theories and principles and made them applicable to the martial arts. He mixed them together and showed people that they had no need of style—only to take what works and find their own path with it.

While practicing European wrestling Lee was once pinned by an opponent, who asked what Lee would do if he found himself in the situation in a real fight. Lee replied, "Well, I'd bite you, of course". One of the theories of JKD is that a fighter should do whatever is necessary to defend himself, regardless of where the techniques used come from. Lee's goal in Jeet Kune Do was to break down what he claimed were limiting factors in the training of the traditional styles, and seek a fighting thesis which he believed could only be found within the event of a fight. Jeet Kune Do is currently seen as the genesis of the modern state of hybrid martial arts.